Aghh! Have you ever set off doing something that you end up wishing you hadn’t started?

Updating my blog sounded so easy, so sensible and yes, a quick thing to do. I think it’s best I try and find my hopeless optimism in this attitude to be amusing rather than despairer inducing. Lets just say it is turning out to be neither quick nor easy.

I am having to add in all my portfolio once again, the new site stores the posts differently from the previous one and means a lot of data entry for me. On a positive it is giving me a chance to review all the paintings I have done, those at least I have records of.  I admit there are several I didn’t even get to photograph before I sold them sadly, I regret this now.

I have been adding to the portfolio whenever I get the time to, but this has meant that my blog has gone unattended to. I still have so many to add it is ridiculous and then I need to sort them better to reflect the correct dates for each, but that will have to wait.

Sorry if my site has frustrated your efforts to see my work. I even think it is not revealing the full number of items as when I test the load more it sometimes doesn’t, AGHH!


The simple task of updating my website… not!

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